My simple list of MSSQL / SQLSERV PDO queries that I use to compile queries when I start a new dev project in PHP
For my sqlsrv php 5.5 queries I use this as a goto cheat sheet. Just for any other dev that might be looking for these things, its handy to have this lying around when you start a new project with mssql server and want to use PDO.
So, without further ado, some copy pasta code for those who are to lazy to scour stackoverflow.
SERVERNAME = The windows domain your server runs on.
SQLEXPRESS = Default server isntance it runs on.
DATABASENAME = The Database name you wish to read write from.
TABLENAME = The Table you wish to manipulate
INDEXFIELDNAME = The index field of the row you wish to manipulate
FIELDNAME = The field name you wish to manipulate
So, without further ado, some copy pasta code for those who are to lazy to scour stackoverflow.
SERVERNAME = The windows domain your server runs on.
SQLEXPRESS = Default server isntance it runs on.
DATABASENAME = The Database name you wish to read write from.
TABLENAME = The Table you wish to manipulate
INDEXFIELDNAME = The index field of the row you wish to manipulate
FIELDNAME = The field name you wish to manipulate
<?php $DB = new PDO( "sqlsrv:Server=SERVERNAME\SQLEXPRESS;Database=DATABASENAME","USERNAME","PASSWORD"); $DB->setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ); $DB->query("DATABASENAME"); } catch( PDOException $e ) { die( "Error connecting to SQL Server".$e ); } /*=========================== | UPDATE TABLE | ===========================*/ $sql = "UPDATE TABLENAME set FIELDNAME=:newvalue WHERE INDEXFIELDNAME=:id" ; $prep = $DB->prepare($sql); // Variables should always be defined // NEVER put output of a function or an int or string directly in bindparam // ALWAYS make sure you have a variable. that its not scoped out at execute. $index = 1; $storage = "Soemthing to save"; $prep->bindParam(":id",$index); $prep->bindParam(":newvalue",$storage); $prep->execute(); /*=========================== | SELECT TABLE | ===========================*/ $sql = "SELECT FIELDNAME,FIELDNAME2 FROM TABLENAME WHERE INDEXFIELDNAME=:id OR FIELDNAME2=:id2" $prep = $DB->prepare($sql); // Variables should always be defined // NEVER put output of a function or an int or string directly in bindparam // ALWAYS make sure you have a variable. that its not scoped out at execute. $variable1 = ""; $variable2 = 0; $prep->bindParam(":id",$variable1); $prep->bindParam(":id2",$variable2); $prep->execute(); $ret = array(); while ( $result = $prep->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ) ){ foreach($result as $key => $value) { echo "$key has value of [$value] <BR/>"; } if($key["VELDNAAM"] == "Hello") { //do something funny } echo "done something unmentionalbe with ".$key['VELDNAAM2'] . "<BR/>"; } /*============================= | ADD NEW ROW TO TABLE | =============================*/ $sql = "INSERT INTO TABLENAME (FIELDNAME1,FIELDNAME2,FIELDNAME3) VALUES (:value1,:value2,:value3) WHERE INDEXFIELDNAME= :id; SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() as id;"; $q = $DB->prepare($sql); // Variables should always be defined // NEVER put output of a function or an int or string directly in bindparam // ALWAYS make sure you have a variable. that its not scoped out at execute. $index = 1; $value1 = "Something"; $value2 = "to"; $value3 = "save"; $q->bindParam(":id",$index); $q->bindParam(":value1",$value1); $q->bindParam(":value2",$value2); $q->bindParam(":value3",$value3); $q->execute(); $q->nextRowSet(); $res = $q->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); $insertid = $res['id']; // $insertid contains row number/index number that just has been inserted into the database. /*========================================== | REMOVE ROW FROM TABLE(permanent) ==========================================*/ $sql = "DELETE FROM TABLENAME WHERE INDEXFIELDNAME=:id"; $prep = $DB->prepare($sql); // Variables should always be defined // NEVER put output of a function or an int or string directly in bindparam // ALWAYS make sure you have a variable. that its not scoped out at execute. $index = 1; $prep->bindParam(":id",$index); $prep->execute(); /*=========================== | COPY ROW IN TABLE | ===========================*/ // Don't touch #TempTable. This is a temporary table. if you choose to rename it, rename it consistently. $sql = "SELECT * INTO #TempTable FROM TABLENAME WHERE INDEXFIELDNAME= :id; ALTER TABLE #TempTable DROP COLUMN INDEXFIELDNAME; INSERT INTO TABLENAME SELECT * FROM #TempTable; DROP TABLE #TempTable; SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() as id;"; $q = $DB->prepare($sql); // Variables should always be defined // NEVER put output of a function or an int or string directly in bindparam // ALWAYS make sure you have a variable. that its not scoped out at execute. $index = 1; $q->bindParam(":id",$index); $q->execute(); $q->nextRowSet(); $q->nextRowSet(); $res = $q->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); $insertid = $res['id']; // $insertid contains row number/index number that just has been inserted into the database. ?>
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